• Evento
    • HEBIPA Meeting 2023
      Hilton Porto Gaia
      7 a 8 de julho de 2023
  • Formulários
  • Detalhes
    • Stripo TEST: "HEBIPA"

      To be great, be whole; exclude nothing. Be whole in everything.
      Fernando Pessoa




      The HEBIPA Meeting is back! Where Friends and Science meet!

      The event will focus on valuable topics of Liver, Biliary Tree, and Pancreas. To fulfil our aims, we bring together a panel of remarkable speakers and guests, both national and international.

      Check out the unique programme!

      You can register and submit your abstract in the buttons bellow.

      See you soon!



      Secretariado Oficial
      Diventos – Congressos e Eventos, LDA
      Tel: 351 22 607 62 90
      E-mail: filipa.pereira@diventos.com


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