• Event
    • 13th IAAS | International Congress on Ambulatory Surgery
      Alfândega Congress Center
      27 to 29 May 2019
  • Forms
  • Details


      SURGERY MAY28TH 8.30AM TO 12.30PM


      1. Deadline for the online submission of Abstracts is March 22, 2019 (noonGMT);


      2. Abstracts are to be submitted through the internet website www.iaascongress2019.com, following the specific guidelines.


      3. Confirmation of acceptance by the Scientific Committee will be informed to the Presenting Author by March 22, 2019.


      4. Accepted Abstratcts will only be integrated in the Final Program if the congress registration and payment of the Presenting Author have been received by April 30, 2019.


      5. The Digital Poster or Video should be submitted at Congress' Website www.iaascongress2019.com by May,6 2019. Videos must be submitted on YouTube and only the link should be sent.


      6. Abstracts should be written in clear concise English. Spelling should follow the Oxford English Dictionary. Authors should pay atention to spelling mistakes, grammar errors, inappropriate vocabulary or punctuation, and will be their entire responsability.


      7. Lenght of the abstract text is limited to 2500 characters (incl. Blancks). Text shall be structered: Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results and Conclusion. One table and one picture may be included.


      8. Abstracts shall not reffered the local or instituition where the work was done.


      9. You may list up eight (8) Co-Authors.

      10. The Presenting Author´s name must be indicated and be identical to what be written in the Congress Registration Form.


      11. Mailing adress – Any comunications regarding the acceptance will only be given to the submitting Author address as registered.


      12. Presentation – Please mark clearly which kind of presentation you prefer (Oral, Digital Poster or Video). Each Abstract can be used for one presentation only.


      13. Candidates can be nurses, physicians, researchers, administrators and students (individuality or Group). Are excluded members of the board of IAAS and Sponsors.


      14. Each Presenting Author of an accepted abstract must disclosed any commercial, financial or research relationships or interests.


      15. All Abstracts become the property of International Association for Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS). Submission of an Abstract represents permission to duplicated, publish and disseminate the work.


      16. All Abstracts received that respect the guidelines will be revised for three reviewers, with hiding the authors and the institution.


      17. Presentation on the Congress: - all works admitted will be presented on the congress between 27-29 May, Oporto.


      18. Presenting Author will receive instructions about how to do the presentation. - Works will be presented and discussed in the agenda of the program:. Oral presentation cannot exceed 6 minutes, followed by a discussion of 2 minutes. Digital Poster and Video presentation cannot exceed 4 minutes followed by a discussion of 1 minute.


      IAAS Awards 2019

      The ”IAAS Awards 2019” intended distinguish in the terms of present guidelines, original works, about clinical trials, clinical cases about Ambulatory Surgery, and the authors could be nurses, physicians, researchers, administrators and students.

      The “IAAS Awards 2019” will be divided into 4 categories: Surgery Specialty, Anesthesiology, Nursing, Organization/Business Management.


      Scientific Committee

      - Composed by twelve (12) elements will be appointed by the Council of APCA and IAAS.

      - Competences:

      1. Define selection critheria and evaluation of works.

      2. Deliberate the Papers that will be nominated for the IAAS Awards 2019, classification and prizes awards.

      3. Is responsability of Scientific Committee to make decisions regarding anything left unstead the “Guidelines For the Submission of Abstracts”.

      5. Decisions of Scientific Committee are sovereign, and cannot be repealed.


      In case you have some doubts about the guidelines or other questions, and encounter difficulties with the submission of your abstract please contact the abstract secretariat IAAS 2019 at e-mail: info@iaascongress2019.com.

      Cancellation Policy

      Up to two months before the start date of the event, there will be a refund of all requested services, deducting administrative fees.
      Up to one month before the event starts, there will be a refund of half the value of the services requested, deducting administrative fees.
      Cancellations received in the thirty days prior to the event, do not provide for reimbursement of any of the amounts paid.
      The refund request must be addressed to Diventos, Lda, with written cancellation and the return will only be made after the event.

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